Wednesday, October 23, 2013

“Redemptio​n Red” by Delancey – Interview

Today we are interviewing Delancey Stewart, author of Redemption Red
Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for letting me do this - what fun questions!
1) Do you buy a book by the cover?
I'd like to say no... but we all do this. Especially now that book buying is so instantaneous. Although, I think this depends on the genre. I end up buying a lot of books because I know or kind of know the author, or because I'm reading in a genre that I'd like to write in -- for research... but I think in some cases -- like the first Cassandra Clare Mortal Instruments book I ever bought -- it was totally based on the cover. (and probably on the reviews).
2) What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)?
Hee hee. I am almost always reading at least two different books. Right now I'm reading Cassie Mae's How to Date a Nerd and Blurred Lines (Part 1: The Interview) by Hensley Park -- this is a 6k installment in a serial being published by Swoon Romance and I'm super interested in the concept of serial publishing... Those are both on Kindle. I'm also reading a great YA romance written by a friend, which hasn't been published yet. And then I'm reading Flapper by Joshua Zeitz in paperback. I think that's it. Oh, no, there's a book right here next to my computer. Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. Turns out my six-year old is "spirited" (we just thought he was kind of a troublemaker...)
3) Do you have a book trailer?
4) If you gave one of your characters an opportunity to speak for themselves, what would they say?
Tyson: "Hi there. You're hot. You should totally read my book."
Audrey: "Yeah, what's up? Tyson's right. Go pick up a copy of Redemption Red."
Okay, maybe that's a question I should have left unanswered. Sorry. :)
5) Is there an Author that you would really like to meet?
I'm torn on this one because while I'd love to meet lots of my favorite authors, I worry about two things. One, I worry that I've created an image of the person who wrote whatever amazing book they wrote that made me idolize them in the first place, and that the real person couldn't (and probably shouldn't have to) live up to that image... And two, I worry that I'd make a complete asshat of myself. I do that with regular people every single day. With someone famous? I'd be hopeless. So if I had to make a list to actually answer your question... I'm kind of fangirl over Katja Millay and Markus Zusak.
6) List 3 of your favorite movies.
Talledega Nights, Bottleshock, and Almost Famous.
7) Sitting alone in a big field, looking at stars, what do you think/feel?
Small. Lonely. Insignificant. But while those are negative words, I don't feel that stuff in a negative way in that situation. It's more like - "wow - look how tiny I am in the grand scheme of things. I spend all this time worrying over each little aspect of my tiny little life, when look at all this... it probably doesn't matter much." And while maybe that sounds kind of pessimistic, too, it really makes me realize that my focus is best spent on the things that do matter. Loving my family, spending time -- real actual paying attention time -- with my kids and my husband.
8) On Sundays, I like to...
Eat waffles. Sit around in my sweats. (But what I really do is more like: laundry, grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning. Maybe go running to get a break from the laundry. Did I mention laundry? God, my life is glamorous.)
9) Did you ever go against a fashion rage? Why?
I'm 40 and I'm a mom. So I probably go completely against most fashion rages without even meaning to. In reality, I do care about fashion, and probably have more four inch heels than most women in my age group and situation... but I will not wear skinny jeans. I'm old enough to know that I simply don't have the body for it and never did. I was a ballet dancer forever, and I have very muscular calves. Like man calves. They look hideous if I try to stuff them into tapered pants. The bootleg pant was created for me.
10) You have to wear a t-shirt with one word on it for the rest of your life. Which word do you choose?

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